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translation and definition "your", tamil lexicon

WordTamil Definition
yourஉன்னுடைய, உங்களுடைய.
yoursஉன்னுடையது, உன்னுடையவை, உங்களுடையது, உங்களுடையவை.
Put upAllow someone to stay at your house for a night or a few days.
Increase prices, taxes, duties, etc.
Ask inTo invite somebody into your house
Get inArrange for someone to do a job in your home, workplace, etc
Arrive (train, plane, etc.)
Arrive home
Enter a car or taxi
Buy or obtain supplies, like food
Arrive at work, school, home
Enter a building or place
Be elected
Manage to say or do
Be admitted to a university, club, etc
Bring inside a place
Submit, apply
Pay for drinks