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Human Genome

AbbreviationMeaningTamil MeaningCategory
B-ISDNBroadband-Integrated Services Digital Network-Human Genome
B2BBusiness-to-Business-Human Genome
BAPIBusiness Application Programming Interface-Human Genome
BASICBeginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code-Human Genome
BATBandwidth Allocation Technology-Human Genome
BBSBulletin Board System-Human Genome
BCCBlind Carbon Copy-Human Genome
BCCBlock Check Character-Human Genome
BCDBinary Coded Decimal-Human Genome
BDPBandwidth-delay Product-Human Genome
BEDO RAMBurst EDO RAM-Human Genome
BEOSBe, Inc. Operating System-Human Genome
BGBig Grin-Human Genome
BGABall-grid Array-Human Genome
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol-Human Genome
BICMOSBipolar Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor-Human Genome
BIOSBasic Input/Output System-Human Genome
BITBinary Digit-Human Genome
BITNETBecause Its Time Network-Human Genome
BLOBBinary Large Object-Human Genome
BNCBayonet Neill Concelman-Human Genome
BOOTPBOOTstrap Protocol-Human Genome
BPELBusiness Process Execution Language-Human Genome
BPLBits Per Line-Human Genome
BPPBits Per Pixel-Human Genome
BPSBits Per Second-Human Genome
BRIBasic-Rate Interface-Human Genome
BSCBase Station Controller-Human Genome
BSDBerkeley Software (System) Distribution (Design)-Human Genome
BSMLBiosequence Markup Language-Human Genome
BSWDBellSouth Intelligent Wireless Data Network-Human Genome
BTWBy The Way-Human Genome
B8ZSbinary, 8 zero substitution line code -Human Genome
BBAAbroad band access arrangement -Human Genome
BBASBroadband Access Services -Human Genome
BBKUP&Rbackup and restore -Human Genome
BDMbill data mediation -Human Genome
BDBlu-ray, An optical disc storage medium. Its main uses are high-definition video and data storage. The disc has the same physical dimensions as standard DVDs or CDs. -Human Genome
BEborder edge -Human Genome
BECNbackward explicit congestion notification -Human Genome
BERbit error ratio -Human Genome
BERTBit Error Rate Testing -Human Genome
BGANBroadband Global Area Network (Inmarsat service) -Human Genome
BITSbuilding integrated timing system -Human Genome
BLSRbidirectional line switched ring -Human Genome
BMOBusiness Management Office -Human Genome
BOCBell Operating Company -Human Genome
BODbandwidth on demand -Human Genome
BOEBody of Evidence -Human Genome
BOMbill of materials -Human Genome
BPSRbidirectional path switched ring -Human Genome
BRbasic router -Human Genome
BRMbusiness reference model -Human Genome
BSBritish standard -Human Genome
BSSBroadcast Satellite Services -Human Genome
BTburst tolerance -Human Genome
BWDigital bandwidth is a rate for data transfer -Human Genome